4 Wonderful Air Quality Bills:
Four impressive air quality bills introduced by Colorado’s Democratic state lawmakers last week! It will be a tough fight to get these passed so please send your written comments for EACH of the 4 bills now (or even better, attend the hearings and give comment in person!) SB-165: Improve Air Quality (Hearing March 13: Transportation & Energy Committee) This bill extends Colorado’s summer ozone season from 3 months to 5 months and prohibits O&G companies from drilling in the Front Range during that time (unless electric equipment is used). This bill also helps develop strategies to cut the overall amount of driving across the Front Range. The bill further requires O&G operators to measure, report and limit levels of air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides. (Bill text and other details here) SB-166: Strengthen Air Quality Enforcement (Hearing March 13: Transportation & Energy Committee) This bill creates official definitions for repeat air quality law violators and mandates cuts to their emissions if more violations occur. SB166 would also make it easier for state regulators and local governments to fine violators directly (avoiding court) and pursue bigger financial penalties. Private citizens could also sue polluters if state regulators fail to take adequate action. (Bill text and other details here) HB-1330: Toughen Air Quality Permitting (Hearing March 7: Energy & Environment Committee) This bill requires that oil and gas operators first get an air quality permit that covers all the wells for a given project before attempting to obtain a drilling permit. This change to the rules would give air quality regulators more control over permits for new sources of pollution in the nine-county region along the northern Front Range that has been in “severe non-attainment” for toxic ozone levels. (Bill text and other details here) HB-1339: Improve Air Quality for Impacted Communities (Hearing March 14: Energy and Environment Committee) This bill would add two new members to the AQCC regulatory commission (stipulating one seat for a climate scientist and one seat for a person representing a disproportionately impacted community). The bill would also close a loophole by which polluting companies pay into a fund and continue to pollute instead of investing in equipment to reduce emissions. Another provision of this bill would allow the AQCC to require polluters with past violations that are located near disproportionately impacted communities to reduce pollution levels – a provision aimed at the Suncor refinery in Commerce City. (Bill text and other details here). |
If you like the sound of these bills, please let your legislators know! Oil and gas companies and other polluting industries are already pressuring lawmakers to water down these bills or scrap them entirely. It will be an uphill battle, so please let your legislators know we demand clean air and we have their backs! Send them a letter today: