Renewables Rising

Electrification future

Fighting for clean and renewable energy and resources.

The Sky's The Limit

Zero emissions is vital for our future.

Every gallon of gasoline burned creates about 8,887 grams of CO2. Switching to zero emission vehicles is essential for our planet.

Solving Real Problems

What can electrification do for you?

Zero Emissions

Full electric vehicles do not need a tailpipe, as they don’t produce exhaust. Traditional engines combust gasoline or diesel, creating energy at the cost of producing harmful carbon emissions. By contrast, the batteries found in EVs are completely emission-free. The most common type of battery employed in EVs is the lithium-ion battery. These batteries can be depleted and charged repeatedly without contributing to air pollution.

Cheaper to maintain

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) has fewer moving parts than a conventional petrol/diesel car. Servicing is relatively easy, less frequent and overall cheaper than a petrol/diesel vehicle.

Better for our health

Reduced harmful exhaust emissions is good news for our health. Better air quality will lead to less health problems and costs caused by air pollution. EVs are also quieter than petrol/diesel cars, which means less noise pollution.

Eco-Friendly Materials

One of the major obstacles facing EV manufacturers is producing a functional, lightweight vehicle. Lighter EVs have a greater range and smaller carbon footprint, but traditional materials make it difficult to achieve this. However, recycled and organic materials are now comparable to traditional materials. They’re lightweight, eco-friendly, strong, and durable.

Many conventional manufacturers use recycled materials for small components, but currently don’t use them for a vehicle’s structure. EV manufacturers are using and improving eco-friendly materials to build lighter, more efficient vehicles.

Weight reduction is not the only benefit of using recycled and organic materials—they are also better for the environment. Using new materials like metals and plastics is unsustainable and creates pollution. All-natural or recycled materials minimize the environmental impact both during and after the EV production process.

Sustainable Materials


Hemp can be used in housing, food, nutrition, fiber, and fuel.

25,000+ are Products Made From Hemp

Renewable & sustainable materials

On an annual basis, 1 acre of hemp will produce as much fiber as 2 to 3 acres of cotton. Hemp fiber is stronger and softer than cotton, lasts twice as long as cotton, and will not mildew.

Solving Real Problems

What can hemp do for you?

enhances soil health

As a cover crop, hemp enhances soil health by shading out weeds—reducing the need for synthetic herbicides—and adding diversity to crop rotations, improving soil health.

thousands of uses

Hemp is also versatile in the market, with thousands of uses for its seed, oil, and fiber. Hemp can be used to make textiles, building material, livestock bedding, paper products, bioplastics, and more. It is stronger and more durable than cotton, yet requires less space and less water to grow.

therapeutic applications

Hemp contains a compound called cannabidoil, or CBD, that has therapeutic applications. Hemp seed, which contains less than .3% THC and is non-psychoactive, is high in protein. Hemp oil has both culinary and industrial uses.

Hydrogen Future

Green & blue Hydrogen

What is the difference between Green & Blue Hydrogen and what should we choose?

Hydrogen is the most common element on the planet

About Hydrogen

Hydrogen is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, nonmetallic, highly combustible diatomic gas at standard temperature and pressure with molecular formula H2.

Hydrogen is said to be an energy carrier that can be used to store, move and deliver energy produced from other sources. It can be produced from various domestic resources like natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable power including solar and wind. Because of these qualities it is an attractive fuel option for transportation and electricity generation applications. It can also be used in cars, in houses, and in various more applications.

Green or blue Hydrogen?


According to the World Economic Forum “green” hydrogen “is produced by using clean energy from surplus renewable energy sources,” the idea being that it is carbon-free in source and production. Green hydrogen is currently expensive to produce and only represents a small fraction of current hydrogen production. However, advances in green hydrogen, such as in the electrolysis process for separating hydrogen from water, are emerging rapidly, lowering costs and increasing viability.*

* Harv Teitelbaum | Colorado Rising Board of Directors


The Latest Color of Greenwashing: Blue

The industry came up with the notion that if they captured and sequestered the carbon that was separated from the hydrogen during the steaming process, this would make the process and resultant hydrogen worthy of a better, less onerous label than gray, i.e, blue. (Gray hydrogen is the most common source of hydrogen today. It takes methane gas (aka “natural” gas) and subjects it to a steam pressure reforming process to separate the hydrogen and carbon. Gray hydrogen is considered slightly cleaner than coal-derived “black and “brown” hydrogen.)

But is this process really deserving of a more positive label, or is it just another example of industry greenwashing? For starters, consider that the capture and sequester stage occurs after any drilling and fracturing, and is therefore separate from the issues with fracking fluid, flowback, produced water, and injection well disposal of wastewater. Then there’s the steaming process itself. As reported in the Cornell Chronicle, peer-reviewed research done by Professors Mark Jacobson of Stanford and Robert Howarth of Cornell revealed that “the carbon footprint to create blue hydrogen is more than 20% greater than using either natural gas or coal directly for heat…” This is due in part to the fact that the steaming separation process requires additional energy inputs, energy which comes from burning more methane gas.

Because of this, blue hydrogen reduces emissions compared to gray “…only by about 9% to 12%.” And this is before we consider the other aspects of the gas production life cycle, now needing to include the long-term storage and/or disposition of the sequestered carbon.

So blue hydrogen may be not much “cleaner” than gray hydrogen, if cleaner at all. But true cleanliness may never have been the motivation behind the blue hydrogen campaign.*

* Harv Teitelbaum | Colorado Rising Board of Directors

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